
A Completed Step Guide to Successfully Implement an AED Program

Mindray 2021-07-13


The presence of AED programs in the workplace and other facilities has reduced the number of deaths and permanent disabilities due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest, or SCA. Although AED equipment cannot prevent SCAs from happening in the first place, it increases the individual’s chances of survival greatly.


When a person collapses due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest, their breathing stops, and oxygen supply to the brain is cut off. Hence, it is important to restore the person’s normal heart rhythm as soon as possible to prevent permanent side effects and even death. Having an automated external defibrillator or AED in the vicinity can greatly increase their chances of survival. Since SCA can happen to anyone anywhere, facilities must have an AED program implemented to safeguard the well-being of everyone.


The Steps in Implementing an AED Program

If you are considering implementing an AED program for your establishment, you are definitely on the right path. Many businesses and organizations hesitate when it comes to purchasing AED because of the high AED price and high cost of AED training and maintenance involved. However, this is a small price to pay for the lives it can save.


Take Into Account All Costs Related To Owning An AED

An AED equipment is not a gadget that you simply purchase and store until it is needed. Hence, it is important to consider not only the cost of the unit itself but also all auxiliary expenses associated with owning one. This includes the price of regular maintenance and parts replacement.


To save on costs, look for AED programs that offer regular maintenance or routine replacements for parts like batteries and pads. Consider investing in remote AED solutions where your AED equipment is monitored regularly. The remote program runs diagnostic tests to ensure that your AEDs are still functioning properly and alerts you when it’s time to replace batteries and pads. With proper maintenance, your AEDs will last longer and save you more money in the long run.


Get User-Friendly AED Devices

When someone collapses due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest, it is a nerve-wracking experience for everyone around. Even individuals trained in SCA resuscitation feel the pressure and anxiety whenever they have to implement life-saving maneuvers on the collapsed individual.


This is why AEDs must be intuitive and easy to use. When developing the machine, the AED company must assume that the people who will be using the device have no medical training whatsoever. Since every second count, the fewer steps, the better.


The best option is fully automated AEDs - all you need is to open the AED box, turn the machine on, attach the pads, and the machine will do the rest. When looking for a suitable AED program, you might be tempted to go for fancy-looking AEDs with several knobs, buttons, and features on the device. However, the more complicated the machine is, the more hesitant the responders will be, afraid of pushing the wrong button or messing up the machine’s settings.


Collaborate With Your EMS Agency

Just because you have an AED device doesn’t mean you don’t have to follow emergency protocols. The purpose of the device is to restore a person’s heart rhythm as early as possible; it should not be used instead of proper medical services.


In many states, a physician is required to buy AEDs, so cooperating with your local emergency services unit is a legal requirement. Speak to your local EMS unit and give them the necessary information that would make the process easier later. If your local EMS unit knows what AED brand you use, what kind of the device you choose (the semi-automated or fully automated AED, the monophasic or biphasic AED), how big its shock capacity is, and how to operate it, handing off defibrillated patients in the future to the ambulance unit will flow a lot smoother.


Where to Place Your AEDs

Logistics plays an important role if you want an effective AED program. Place your AEDs like you would place your fire extinguishers - in obvious places where it is easy to get to in case of emergency. You may also consider placing them close to locations where SCAs occurred in the past. People tend to run to the bathroom when they are feeling unwell, so a lot of people collapse due to SCA inside the restroom. If this happens to your building as well, consider placing an AED device there.


Aside from knowing where to place your AEDs, make sure your employees know exactly where the devices are. Consider holding an orientation where employees are told where the AEDs are and how to operate them in case of emergency. If your building has a vicinity map, consider placing an icon that would represent AED locations on the map.


Come Up With A Training Plan For Your Employees

As mentioned earlier, it is better to get an AED that is easy to use. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t train your employees on how to use it. AEDs are used as part of SCA resuscitation, which means that there’s more to the process than just simply using the device. Aside from giving your employees an overview of AED usage, training employees in first aid and CPR is also a great idea.


Even if you have a fully automated AED, training your employees on how to use these devices will increase their confidence level and comfort with the technology. This will lead to less panicking and hesitating when emergencies happen, and they need to apply what they learned in training.


Execute a Regular Maintenance Plan

Assign employees to regularly check the device. For most brands, all you have to do is turn the device on, check if the battery is still working, and the AED replacement pads are not yet expired. It is recommended that you take this step even if you have remote AED solutions set up. With remote AED solutions, the manufacturer regularly checks the expiration of your AED replacement pads and batteries remotely. However, there is no harm in seeing for yourself that your AED device is still in top shape.



Sudden Cardiac Arrest does not choose its victims - which is why health experts recommend implementing AED programs for any building that houses a large number of people, such as schools, malls, government buildings, offices, and even homes. While implementing an AED program might seem like a lot of work, the number of lives this device can save will make it all worth it in the end.


Mindray is a long-time AED manufacturing company and has been helping companies implement AED programs over the years. With the goal of making AED programs more accessible to people all across the board, Mindray offers the reliable AED and after-sales support to clients for all programs.


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